New Swimliere Collection

So, I’m not sure if you guys know, I own a swimliere line. ON THE BEACH & IN THE SHEETS. I just launched an Exclusive Collection! Sammie Collection! Currently doing Pre-Orders with Limited Availability! GO GET YOURS TODAY! Choose how you want the suit, 5 or more looks available!

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‘‘Tis the Season to be grateful

It seems after Thanksgiving being grateful goes out the window. Between “Black Friday” and Christmas we are conditioned to want more. We immediately forget the time we spent with our loved ones and begin to look for replacements and upgrades for things. Christmas is the season for giving, but more like “what are you going […]

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Winter Skin

Hey loves! I hope your holidays are going as planned. The weather is changing and so is our bodies. Colder and colder everyday, it seems like our skin is getting ashier. We sometimes forget the things that enter our bodies help determine what our outer bodies looks like. So, I have a great winter routine […]

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Noir- a short poem

Some came and went but you stayed the longest. Though you always caught the drift, you enabled me to be stronger. Near or far you rode the race, while always having a little grace. There was a daunting cloud because you were so dark but the inside cozy and warm and full of love. Maintaining […]

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Last Call

It’s the end of the month and this is the last recipe. All month I posted a nice drink that will impress anyone at your next event. The last drink of the month will be a Mint Julep. This drink is not only easy to make but was created for the Kentucky Derby in 1938. […]

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Blackberry Mule

I love this drink because it’s so simple. A mule is a classic drink that is refreshing any time of the year. So let’s get to it! BLACKBERRY MULE 1.5oz Ketel One Vodka .75oz fresh juice ( please use fresh lime) .75oz Fresh Blackberry Syrup – boil 3 cups of water, then… – add 1cup […]

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I love this drink! This is a simple craft cocktail, with the look and definitely the taste. I made this drink thinking of the times I want a light tasting drink. Some would be scared to drink this because it’s Gin but the other ingredients cover the gin taste. Also if you use the type […]

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There are so many incidents where we put our all out there and it isn’t returned. My question is.. do we need reciprocation? Yes, we may want someone to return the favor or kind act or feeling we have, but do we need it? Needing someone else to validate our thoughts, emotions and act is […]

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5 Tips To Cheaper Flights

It’s summer and we all want to travel as much as possible. But how can we travel as much as we want and still save some money? Since I worked in the airport for 2 years, I have gotten some really good tips and tricks. So, below are 5 easy tips to getting cheaper flights! […]

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Exclusive Sneak Peek😘

I had a photoshoot earlier today! I’m so excited about them I wanted my blog followers to see them first! I did two cute looks and should be doing more for the summer. My photographer DJ Bing knows how to get the right angles and motivate me  to greatness. I hope you love the looks! […]

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