New Swimliere Collection

So, I’m not sure if you guys know, I own a swimliere line. ON THE BEACH & IN THE SHEETS. I just launched an Exclusive Collection! Sammie Collection! Currently doing Pre-Orders with Limited Availability! GO GET YOURS TODAY! Choose how you want the suit, 5 or more looks available!

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Is He Into You!?

Hey guys! I got another one for ya! Remember I post every Wednesday and Sunday on Youtube! Make sure you subscribe!! Also I have some discounts for MJaies Swimliere on each video from the Love Series, so you have to take advantage. They will end once I start the next series! Enjoy! MJAIE💋

Read More Is He Into You!?

Meeting Moments

I took bugga (my son) to the park the other day. I had all my tools to make sure I was using my time wisely; my new calendar from Michaels and this book called ” You are a Bad Ass at Making Money”. My new calendar is cool because it has no months on it, […]

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